BeFuddled Party publish manifesto

With the election fast approaching the Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party are the first to publish their manifesto.

Chairman, Banish Barracuda, says:
This May the people of Smalltown and Dullbridge have the chance to elect a new Town Council – a year earlier than usual because of the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Council elections. With many Councillors standing down, there will inevitably be many fresh faces amongst the Councillors elected. The BeFuddled Party have been working hard over the last few months to develop our ideas for the next five years.”

  • We will work with the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and neighbouring parishes to maximise the benefits, and minimise the drawbacks, of the new system of local government in Somerset. This is our way of saying we don’t know what’s in store under the new regime, but whatever it is we will try our best to make sense of it all, even if it doesn’t make sense in the first place.
  • We will take over any services that the new council doesn’t want responsibility for. At the moment it’s unclear which services these may be, and it’s highly unlikely that SCC will want to devolve any of their powers anyway.
  • We will continue to seek ways to fund regeneration and improvements in Dullbridge – an area which has been a problem for many, many years, as when it comes to funding and grant spending our previous party councillors have always voted with our Illiberal Party friends to ensure Smalltown gets all the cash.
  • We will continue to support Squire Teflon’s White Elephant Enclosure and agree to throw even more money into the WEE pot.
  • We will continue to support all grant funding applications, including those requests from Squire Teflon’s close friends, requests for funding to hire the WEE and any requests which make mention of the words ‘Mental Health’ – even if those requests only benefit two people.
  • We will put into action our proposals for ‘Free Bun Friday’, when all residents will be invited to Hayloft Road Palace to collect a free bun.
  • We will agree not to disagree with anyone. This has always been a strong BeFuddled Party commitment and we see no reason to change that.
  • Please, please, please vote BeFuddled Party. If nothing else, we are jolly nice people – far nicer than those Iliberal Party members. Although we are sure that most of them are jolly nice people too.

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