SHAGged out

Smalltown’s Head Administration Guru (SHAG) has sensationally quit her position with Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council this afternoon.

Tanya Summer has worked alongside Squire Teflon for just over three years, attempting to ensure that criticism was deflected from the pair, as they strove to maintain power over the Pocket-Rotten Boroughs of Smalltown and Dullbridge.

Tanya told us “I found I was increasingly losing my grip on things. The resignation of the Smalltown Media and Uproar Genius (SMUG) led to a loss of my empire and I was getting fed up of the allegations of abuse of power directed at both myself and the Squire.

Allegations that Councillors weren’t admitting to ‘conflicts of interest’ and were forcing through decisions on their personal projects where they have vested interests didn’t help. I even had to insist that Squire Teflon absolve me from all blame in relation to the Smalltown Shops Ignite Smalltown event.

The final straw was when another Councillor was incredibly mean to me, constantly asking me questions relating to council business, in a way which I felt undermined my position. I don’t feel I should have to explain myself to anyone, so I’m off to find another council where I can do things my way.”

Town Councillors will be having a whip round for a final takeaway pizza to share with Ms. Summer after her last meeting (Date to be confirmed.)

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