Online game attracts complaints

Players of the popular online word game ‘Squirdle’ have contacted SomersetClive to complain that the game is ‘not what it was’.

The game requires players to guess and arrange letters to create a five-letter word, but recent complaints have centred around words that don’t exist.

The answer on Sunday was ‘Squir’ and yesterday it was ‘Teflo’. Neither of these words appear in the dictionary. It’s ridiculous and I’m not playing anymore.’ said resident Harold (Harry) Butt.

Other complaints have noted that several words have been repeated on a regular basis, with the words Lover, Bones, Shops, Grant, Funds, Money, Spend, Rinks, Fixed, Votes, Small and Prick appearing with monotonous regularity.

‘”The repetition of the same words over and over again means that it’s getting rather boring now. It’s almost as if there is some sort of subliminal messaging going on.”

SomersetClive contacted the makers of the game, Teflon Enterprises, but were told “I’m sorry, there’s no one here to answer your question at the moment. The Squire hasn’t finished his paper round yet.”

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