Jubilee mugs

Squire Teflon and Mistress Jones have secured funding from the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council ‘We Forgot the Budget for the Jubilee, but have Scraped Together Some Funds Grant Fund’ in order to purchase some commemorative mugs to hand out to school children. The meeting to allocate funding hasn’t actually been held yet, but Squire Teflon is supremely confident that the money will be handed over once his fellow Councillors have approved his proposal.

Squire Teflon told SomersetCliveThe inspiration came from my ancestor, Lord Admiral, His Royal Highness, Former Mayor of Smalltown and Dullbridge, Nelson Jones, MBE, OBE and Knight of the Living Dead, after he organised the ‘Mugs for Mugs’ scheme to commemorate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee in 2002.

My close-friend Mistress Bones has managed to source some mugs via her Tat Emporium suppliers for the very reasonable price of £9.40 each (plus VAT, delivery and printing) and she has spent many long hours on her computer to come up with a design. The results are very pleasing.

We are both delighted to have resurrected the ‘Mugs for Mugs’ scheme and are greatly looking forward to visiting the schools in Smalltown and Dullbridge to hand them out to children and see the smiles on their faces.

Don’t forget that you can vote for us in the upcoming election for The-All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council and, if elected, we both promise to waste your money on further vanity projects. “

One thought on “Jubilee mugs

  1. from the picture I see no date the queen took on the roll or even the year now for 70 years, I think it should have

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