WEE Theatre Company’s new name

The White Elephant Enclosure Drama Society (WEEDS) have confirmed that they have a new name.

WEEDS was originally formed as the in-house drama company for the White Elephant Enclosure, helping to fulfill the criteria for the WEE to have a community based interest, but following a change in the pricing structure at the WEE the group are looking to spread their wings, with performances to be also held elsewhere.

Chairperson Mollie Plume said “We have decided that a name change is in order so that we can perform in other venues around the area. We toyed with naming ourselves ‘SQWEEZE’ (Society which Quit the White Elephant Enclosure due to over Zealous Expanding costs) but realised that, even though the prospect of headlines such as ‘SQWEEZED Out’ was attractive, it was a bit of a mouthful.

“Instead we are going to be known as the Smalltown Entertainment and Arts (formerly the White Elephant Enclosure) Drama Society or SEAWEEDS.”

The group will be putting on a performance of ‘The Trip’ at the end of February, penned by society founder Tim Chef and featuring an all-star cast line-up of local actors.

It’s a story of friendships, love, lies and betrayal as the Inhabitants of a small town discover that things are not quite as they seem in their utopia. Those that they have trusted turn out to be immoral and corrupt. The story follows the lives of a group of women who have formed a ‘self-help’ group to cope with the pain and chaos caused by their relationship with the same man.

“Our original plan to perform the play on ice had to be shelved as we were unable to find the rink, which was rumoured to be under the stage. However, the show must go on, so we’ve ditched the skates.”

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