£94,000 reasons to have a meeting


There was a shock announcement at the recent Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council meeting.

Chair of the White Elephant Enclosure Panel (WEEP) Councillor Loretta Barking announced the cancellation of the forthcoming WEEP meeting.

This is the second consecutive meeting cancellation.

Barking barked “It’s not a good use of the Smalltown Culture & Arts Manager’s (SCAM) time to come to a meeting where Councillors won’t question why the WEE continues to rack up loss after loss and the Council Tax payer is expected to underwrite £94,000 of deficit this year”

SomersetClive’s suggests scrutinising the ongoing debacle Squire Teflon started a decade ago at now near £1 million aggregate loss, is exactly why a meeting is needed.

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