A new political force is emerging in Smalltown & Dullbridge. Seeking an end to the 23 year Illiberal hegemony and in the absence of a Befuddled renaissance locally, the Smalltown & Dullbridge Independent Super Team (SADIST) has been formed.
Brought together from across the political divide, the SADISTs seek to transform the political dynamic of Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council and to make it represent the needs of the whole community, rather than the vested interests of a chosen few.
The SADISTs are looking for candidates for all parts of Smalltown & Dullbridge via their website and Facebook page.
SomersetClive notes Squire Teflon, Mistress Jones, the Fencesitters and Jock McCads were all unavailable for comment at the time of going to press.