Jubiliant Jubilee plans with Mystic Mick

Mystic Mick

Tonight’s Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council meeting will see Councillors discuss plans for residents to celebrate the Queen’s Titanium Jubilee in June.

Councillors previously asked the public to submit their ideas to the Working Committee, but despite receiving some very creative and interesting ideas these have all been rejected.

SomersetClive asked our favourite medium, Mystic Mick, to take a look at the ideas which remain in the pot to see which of them will receive money from the Town Council piggy bank.

We scrawled all the ideas onto the back of several old envelopes and placed them on a table in front of him. Mystic Mick closed his eyes and began to sway, before reaching out a hand to hover over the envelopes.

Suddenly he pounced. “This one!” he exclaimed. SomersetClive extracted the envelope from his gnarled fingers.

With the greatest authority we can announce, in advance of the meeting to make a decision, that the idea for a Children’s Party and a further event to be announced, organised by leader of the Smalltown Shops (SS), close-friend of the Squire Mistress Bones and her Co-conspirator, Lady Brassy of Easton-under-Water will receive whatever funding they ask for.

The SS have agreed that they will work with the Smalltown Chamber of Trade (SCOT), as they did at Christmas, when Smalltown had two separate events to switch the Christmas lights on. However, the two groups are yet to meet to discuss their joint ideas.

Meanwhile, in Dullbridge nothing will be happening.

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