Local Man to enter Book of World Records

Local Founder, CEO and Director of a couple of fake charities, non-organiser of Smalltown Pride and figment of his own imagination, Levi Smeller, has been told that he has broken not one, but three World Records.

Hey Guys, it’s ME!” he told SomersetClive in what turned out to be an hour long phone call. “I am so excited. I’ve had an email to say that I’ve won three World records. I’m completely stunned to be honest with you”

“It’s been confirmed that I am now the record holder for ‘Most Number of times you can tidy an office in a month in a bid to look professional’ and ‘Most restocks of Merchandising in a Year, (without selling any of it)’ . Not only that but I’ve also been confirmed as the new record holder for’ Least popular podcast on Spotify’, beating Harry and Meghan by a long chalk.”

Levi later commented on his own Facebook status ‘Well done, Levi. We are all really proud of you.’

“When I started all of this I never imagined I’d get recognition for my work. I may have to order myself a couple more awards from Amazon to celebrate.”

When SomersetClive asked if Levi could forward us the email confirming his win he told us “Give me a couple of hours, I just need to write it out and send it to myself.”

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