Squire accused of sending ‘D*ck pics’

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SomersetClive has been contacted by a woman who has accused Squire Teflon of sending her unsolicited ‘d*ck pics’.

“I was minding my own business, when a text message popped up on my phone from the Squire.” she told SomersetClive. “Naturally I was curious, so I opened it. What I saw shocked me to the core. I hadn’t asked to see it, but he sent it anyway.”

He’d already told me that he had the biggest d*ck in Smalltown and that he called it Long Boi. Since receiving the photo I have been off work and my doctor has put me on medication, telling me that I have Squire D*ck Photo Trauma (SDPT). Apparently its quite common amongst women in the area.”

“He boasted that it was an Eider, but it looked more like a Teal to me.”

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