Mystic Mick predicts

Well known Smalltown Sage Mystic Mick

Smalltown’s very own sage and Derek Acorah impersonator, Mystic Mick, has given SomersetClive his prediction for the winner of the co-option vote for the Dullbridge seat on Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council.

We watched as Mick closed his eyes and started to sway. “Is there anyone standing who has a name that starts with the letter P? No. Not P. The letter R? No I’ll get it in a minute. The letter S? Yes. It’s coming through now. The name is Saul. Definitely Saul. It’s Saul Synn. Am I right?”

SomersetClive pointed out that we couldn’t confirm this yet, as the vote doesn’t take place until Monday.

As Mick started to shuffle his tarot cards, we noticed a letter on his desk, part of which read
“To all members of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Illiberal Party. Our preferred candidate is Saul Synn. He has been added to our LotsCrap group. You WILL vote for him. Signed Mistress Bones.”

All betting has been suspended.

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