T-reeping what you sow?

Smalltown & Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council is reported to be “most upset” that its car park centrepiece Christmas Tree has been vandalised for a second time.

A spokesdroid for the Town Council stated: “Who would have thought such an out of the way, poorly lit, under used and open location might be a target for antisocial behaviour?

The tree was controversially relocated this year to a location near to the Tat Emporium of Mistress Bones and her former plastic palace. It is unknown whether her CCTV installation captured images of the vandalism, as the camera was recording events in her boudoir at the time of the incident.

Whilst at SomersetClive we cannot condone vandalism, perhaps Tanya Summer, the Squire & Co will reflect that their action in moving the tree to suit their opaque agenda has been the catalyst for the behaviour they now decry. Whilst this would require a level of self-awareness previously unseen, SomersetClive offers a reward of 94 pence (redeemable only at the White Elephant Enclosure when there is a Z in the month, terms and prohibitively tiny-print conditions apply) for any information that leads to the tree returning to its rightful home at the George Inn on Elizabeth Street.

To satisfy Health and Safety requirements SaDTC has made clear that the electricity supply to the lights is LOW VOLTAGE, so if anyone is thinking of popping along to cut the power cable you won’t get hurt.

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