Has Pranksy been to Dullbridge?

Is it a Pranksy?

New artwork has appeared on a wall in Dullbridge and locals are wondering if could be the work of World-renowned artist, Pranksy.

The work features one of the artist’s usual pithy observations on important world affairs. Pranksy recently saw one of his paintings change hands for a record-breaking sum of £94 million. The work ‘Piece of Paper I Crumpled Up and Put in the Bin’ was one in a long line of paintings produced on the same theme.

In Dullbridge the artwork has received a mixed response.
I think he’s right” said James Stewart (4) “It really wasn’t as good as the first Toy Story, the animation of the original scaled heights previously unseen in cartoons and brought a whole new level to the genre.”

A woman, who didn’t want to give her name, countered “No. Toy Story 2 was s**t.”

We asked our art correspondent, Salvador Picasso, what he thought of the piece but he went into such detail that our eyes glazed over and we fell asleep.

Artwork of this calibre hasn’t been seen in Dullbridge since 1987 when some wag scrawled “I want to be loved. Call Squire Teflon on 01**” (number redacted for security reasons) on the hoardings surrounding the derelict Dullbridge Hotel.

Pranksy has yet to authenticate the piece as one of his.

SomersetClive would love to hear from our readers – do you think this could be a Pranksy?

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