Further Festive Furore

Pig Wanted. Reward for Info.

The Smalltown Shops group are still struggling to find a pig roast for the second half of the Christmas Switch On. Their efforts to relocate the Smalltown Chamber of Commerce’s pig from outside the George Inn to the car park have so far failed.

The SS have even sought professional advice from Margo Farmhouse-Kitchener, one half of the organisation who bring the successful Cheese Festival to Smalltown.

Expert Margo told SomersetClive “Yes, it’s true. The SS have asked me if I can find a locally-produced pig to roast. Although I had a few grate suggestions for them, they wanted me to do the work for them and unfortunately I’m very busy and Camembert the time. Excuse me, my telephone is ringing, I’d better Gouda answer it.”

The Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council will be meeting tonight, to discuss representations by Squire Teflon on behalf of the SS to seek further funding of £2000 to help in the search for a pig.

Meanwhile, Smalltown Chamber of Commerce have been trying to work with the SS to ensure the success of both events, but the SS have cancelled their attendance at at least four meetings scheduled by SCOT.

It seems both groups are living up to the Smalltown and Dullbridge motto – Simul Tamen Seorsum (Together yet Apart).

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