McCads sidelined

The first Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting, held at the beginning of May,…

BeFuddleds adopt the ‘Carnivoo Route’

The Smalltown and Dullbridge BeFuddled Party has decided to take the ‘Carnivoo Route’ in regard to…

Death ‘exaggerated’

Reports of the death of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market have been greatly exaggerated as,…

Smalltown Small Town Small Market ends

The organisers of the Smalltown Small Town Small Market have announced that the market will no…

Man celebrates lottery win!

A man, who lives in an undisclosed location somewhere in Somerset, but probably not Smalltown or…

50,000 ways to spend money

Business owners, Councillors and other members of the Funding Taskforce to Inject Life into the Economy…

Smalltown loses race

It has been revealed that Smalltown has lost the annual ‘Boast the Most’ cycle race to…

Literary Festival shortlist announced

The shortlist for the winners of the Smalltown Literary Festival has been announced and once again…

Mayor on the war path

Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Headmistress, Mayor and Dictator Councillor Kelsey Dullard was said to be ‘incandescent…

Traders mixed reaction to Easter

Shopkeepers in Smalltown have given their verdict on trade over the Easter weekend, traditionally the start…