Squire succumbs to DID. Again.

Squire Teflon has once again allowed his Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to rear its ugly head, this time on local media tycoon Mike Maxman’s Smalltowndotcom news outlet.

During a long running discussion about bullying by Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors, during which various allegations were made (Steve – are you going to detail these? – Ed. Yes Sir, give me a chance) about the systematic bullying of residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge, former Councillor Ellen Proves, leader of the Dullbridge Revolution Front, popped up from behind the barricades to detail her experiences. (STEVE. Will you please add these in – Ed. Mr Editor, sir, may I refer you to my previous answer – Steve.)

An anonymous keyboard warrior (widely suspected to be Squire Teflon, using one of his alter-egos), immediately sought to derail the thread by posting content entirely irrelevant to the topic. The posts have since been removed, but we have them preserved for posterity.

This is not the first time, and no doubt will not be the last time, that the Squire’s terrible problem with multiple personality disorder has led him to believe that he can get away scot-free with this sort of behaviour and SomersetClive would remind him that we are watching his behaviour as closely as he watches that of those he chooses to harass.

One thought on “Squire succumbs to DID. Again.

  1. Good to hear that disgusting behaviour is being recorded and monitored closely. Here in The Land of Oz we are having a State funeral for The King of Spin. The well known adulterer, fornicator of other men’s wives, brothel visitor drug cheat, and convicted match fixer. The Government is generously spending tax payer’s money to honour the fat bastard.

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