Live Weather

Possible sscenes of devastation

Good morning, readers.

You’re joining me, – Emma (one of Squire Teflon’s favourite SomersetClive reporters) live from the Promenade in Smalltown as I bring you the latest weather news.

Hurricane Ernie has passed through the area, but don’t come out from under your tables just yet, because he’s been replaced by Hurricane Frankenstein.

Frankenstein is rampaging through the area like an out of control monster, flattening everything in his path and, with high tide due at just before 10.00am, both local and national news media sources are hoping to be able to fill our pages with yet more scenes of uprooted trees, falling roof tiles and flying trampolines.

As you can see conditions are blustery here, and, apart from a steady flow of hardened residents through the doors of Witherspoons, most people have heeded the advice given and remained at home.

The Departure of Wind and Precipitation has said that windspeeds in the area could once again reach 194mph and I’m hoping to bring you news of overturned static caravans and floods later on this morning.

(Anything to stop the Editor purchasing a one-way ticket to Kyiv for me.)

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