Youth Council Workshop hailed a ‘success’

Squire Teflon’s favourite fellow Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councilor, Fawn Fairy, welcomed a very small bunch of swots to Hayloft Road on Saturday to a workshop to discuss the idea of a Youth Council for Smalltown and Dullbridge.

SomersetClive has attempted to find out exactly how many swots attended, but our request was met with silence.

Our roving reporters were out and about on Saturday morning and we asked some of the youngsters hanging around in Smalltown why the offer of free doughnuts hadn’t tempted them to visit Hayloft Palace.

In Chateau Park we met with a group of teenagers who hid their strange looking cigarettes and kicked their cans of cider under the bench and asked them why they weren’t attending the workshop.

It’s boring, innit.” said one.

Dunno where it is.” chimed in another.

If they wanna know what we fink they should come an ask us.” added another.

We asked what they would like to see happening in Smalltown for the youth.

“Move these benches away from the lights and CCTV cameras.”

Free scrumpy and spliffs.”

Intrigued by the last suggestion, we asked what Scrumpy and Spliffs had done to warrant incarceration, but were met with derisive laughter and we left the park before they could throw their empty cider cans at us.

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