Following a request for tenders to refurbish the toilet block in Smalltown Sadgebore District Council have awarded the contract to the company who managed to come up with the most imaginative way to spend the full £94,000 available.
Work will start at the end of February, which is a month later than anticipated, and will include all new solid gold fixtures and fittings as well as a ticket-only entry system. It is expected that the work will be completed well before the light bulbs are replaced further down the sea front.
A spokescistern for Sadgebore said “It may seem like an awful lot of money to spend on refurbishing a toilet block, but in reality it’s equal to Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s annual spend to keep the White Elephant Enclosure open. I know which facility I’d prefer to use. Besides, Sadgebore have a fair bit of money in their coffers to use up before we are abolished and we’ve run out of things to spend it on in Fridgepond.”
Once renovations are completed tickets to use the facility will be available to purchase at a cost £9.40 each.