Warning Issued

Residents in the Smalltown Posh area were warned to be on their guard yesterday, after sightings of a ‘suspicious character’ were reported.

My CCTV camera picked him up“, said a resident who wishes to remain anonymous, “He came up my garden path, loitered around my front door and then walked back to the pavement. I looked out of my window and he was approaching my neighbour’s door. I watched him walk down the road doing exactly the same thing.

“His behaviour was very odd and he looked very shifty. In his shirt pocket he had a row of ballpoint pens, which led me to wonder if he was leaving pen marks on properties. You hear about nefarious types leaving chalk marks on homes they plan to burgle later, so when I was sure he was gone I went to check my front door.”

“On the doormat I found a couple of bits of unsolicited junk mail, claiming to be from the Somerset Illiberal Party. I don’t think they were genuine, because the photographs printed on them were, quite frankly, terrifying and I can’t imagine why anyone would want to scare residents in this way. I immediately placed them in my recycle box. I would recommend that anyone who receives these leaflets does the same.”

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