SomersetClive’s unstoppable reporter has been going through old files of unresolved Smalltown mysteries.
The latest case re-opened for investigation was the curious case of the Smalltown Chateau Park Jamboree from 2018. This annual event which has been cancelled subsequently because of the ongoing omegavirus pandemic was organised by now defunct, but never to be forgotten, Smalltown and Dullbridge Duplicated Events by Sycophants Team (SaDDEST).
SaDDEST was set up by Mistress Bones and supported energetically by Squire Teflon during his feud with Cheese Supremo Margo Farmhouse-Kitchener whilst she was engaged by SaD Town Council as Smalltown Enterprise Experience Yardstick (SEXY).
Whilst SaDDEST is infamous for wasting £94,000 of SaD Town & Sadgebore District Councils grant funding on the missing ice rink over a three year period, the next event it ran into the ground was the Chateau Park Jamboree. Publicity at the time issued by Mistress Bones indicated proceeds raised from the Jamboree would go to funding Town Centre medical equipment.
To this day it remains a mystery as to what SaDDEST did with the money raised. SomersetClive’s file will remain open in case Mistress Bones or Squire Teflon wish to set the record straight about how and why the Jamboree apparently made no money given no equipment was installed.