After weeks of nothing it’s all go at the White Elephant Enclosure this week, as pupils from Queen Ethel Red’s School tread the boards with their production of ‘Singing Nuns’.
With all performances sold out to friends and family members this will be trumpeted as a huge success as, charged at the community hire rate, the WEE should garner enough income from the event to cover at least half the electricity bill for the month.
Down at the South West’s Premier Music Venue, the Old Jetty, a newly formed indie cover band will be playing their first show tonight, whilst tomorrow night sees tribute band The Smits take to the stage.
Meanwhile, as the fight for customers continues to rage between the new landlords at the Sad and Desperate pub and the previous landlords now at the Iron Lady, the former will have a dodgy disco and the latter a dodgy pub singer on Saturday night.
Don’t say we didn’t warn you.