What’s on

For the second week running there is NOTHING on at the White Elephant Enclosure. That’s two weeks running with no income. However, it is the start of the new financial year, which means the WEE still has a further 50 weeks in the year to reach that all important budgeted £71,940 income, which is only £1,394 per week. How difficult will that be?

Of course, the staff at the WEE – including the invisible Smalltown Culture and Arts, Manager (SCAM), Susie Cookbook, the Smalltown Culture and Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks, and the mysterious undead factotum the White Elephant Enclosure Person in Eternal Employment (WEEPEE), Crag Badpenny – have all been extremely busy this week, due to Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council holding the Annual Towns Meeting at the venue.

However, none of the WEE staff attended the meeting, and instead gave the keys to the Smalltown and Dullbridge Smalltown Administration Deputy (SaDSAD), Eileen Mutton, to unlock and lock the doors. It’s hard work running a WEE.

Those in search of culture won’t find any in Smalltown, but there’s plenty of musical entertainment this weekend.

Singing Landlord, Tom Portman, of the South West’s Premier Music Venue has booked local heavy rock band Pussycats of Serenity for Friday. On Saturday it’s an all out celebration to mark St.Georgiana’s day, with music and a discount on all British beers. The beer discount continues on Tuesday night when Tom will take to the stage himself for another round of ‘Name that Tune’.

Even The George Hotel has music this weekend, with popular local band Washing Machine bringing their sound to the pub stage on Saturday.

For those who prefer visual entertainment The Blitz Cinema will be screening all the latest cinematic releases at only £4 a ticket.

Dullbridge residents can pop along to St. Lennon’s Church on Saturday and join the ‘Rave in the Nave’, organised by singing Vicar, His Right Reverendness, Stuart Little.

Who needs a WEE when there’s so much else to see?


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