Anyone thinking of heading to the White Elephant Enclosure this weekend will do well not to bother. There’s nothing to see here.
Not even a craft fair on Saturday, timed to coincide with The Massive Crowd who will be descending on Smalltown Town centre to attend the Vintage and Veteran show. Oh well. At least if the doors are closed and the lights are off the expenditure won’t be quite as high as normal.
Instead, those in search of entertainment can take a trip to the South West’s Premier Music Venue, The Old Jetty, where morose singing landlord, Tom Portman, has lined up entertainment for both Friday and Saturday night.
Renowned tribute act, Brian Laidon, will take to the stage on Friday, which is sure to delight residents who aren’t too enamoured by the usual dull middle-of-the-road tribute acts at the WEE, and the good news is tickets are only £4.94.
On Saturday night punters can enjoy a beer and tap their toes to a cover band who will be performing a set of songs from the last 20 years. A top choice for pop pickers.
As always, Blitz Cinema owner, Padraig Irishh, will be showing all the latest films for only £4 per ticket.
Perhaps Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council’s White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee should get out a bit more to see how it’s done.