‘Momentous moment’ for Smalltown

In what has been described as a ‘momentous moment for Smalltown’, parts of the town were washed away yesterday, after the high winds and spring tides combined to create a tidal wave which struck at 09.40am.

Several roads were affected with many residents contacting SomersetClive to tell us of their experiences.

Ron Banal of School Street said “It was unreal. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

Tracey Fiendish of North Street said “The wind was so strong, I’m not surprised the waves were so high.”

A spokesperson for the Department of Everything Surrounding Nature and Things (DoESN’T) said “Our incident response staff are aware that some parts of Smalltown may be experiencing difficulties.

We are aware that residents in a number of streets around the Seafront area of the town may be a little confused today due to yesterday’s unprecedented weather conditions.

Residents in the following streets were amongst the worst affected – Jetty Street, North Street, School Street, Church Street and Cottaging Row. These streets were all washed away, but we have managed to locate them in Dalstonbury.

Luckily there was no loss of life during the incident and we are sure that residents in those areas will find that living in Dalstonbury is almost as nice as living in Smalltown.

We continue to monitor the Somerset levels closely, as parts of Eve Street are still missing. We have had reports that it may now be in Smells, but that is yet to be confirmed.”

A clean up operation is due to begin next month.

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