As we enter the third day of a news black out at SomersetClive the striking journalists have at last revealed their reason for taking action and refusing to write any stories or report on anything that has been happening in Smalltown and Dullbridge this week.
A spokespicket for the group who are calling themselves ‘SomersetClive Against News Detailing All the Lies and OUtrageous Stupidity‘ (SCANDALOUS) said “To put it in the simplest of terms, so that even a Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Councillor can understand it, we’ve had enough. We have been on the frontline so often, having to report on decisions made by SaD Town Council which are quite frankly ludicrous, ridiculous and unbelievable.
Last night we would have been expected to attend a Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting and watch as the various Councillors from all parties tried to pretend that they understood what was going on, when we all know they are completely out of their depth and have absolutely no idea about anything.
You only had to look at the agenda to realise that the Councillors are now complicit with the Staff and a massive cover up is going on with relation to the accounts, the success of the White Elephant Enclosure and the lack of ideas to improve Smalltown and Dullbridge.
In addition, they no longer seem to have any regard for protocol or the Local Government Act and are making decisions based on the flimsiest discussion or research.
Half of them don’t even bother to turn up to meetings nowadays. And when they do turn up they may as well not have bothered because you can see from their glazed expressions that everything is going right over their heads.
Not only that, but if we had attented last night then we would have had to endure yet another of Dictator Dullard’s banal and boring Addresses to the Nation. We don’t get paid enough for that.
So yes. We are on strike. And we are going to stay on strike until we get an explanation as to why the Councillors at Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council are doing a better job of parodying a Parish Council than we are.
And we want a pen each.”