Dullbridge residents to vote today

Dullbridge residents will head to the polling stations today to cast their votes to select a new Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillor to replace former Councillor Captain Rumm, who resigned because he couldn’t stand being in the same room as Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Cruella Sherry.

Dullbridge residents can choose to mark their X next to either Dictator Dullard’s favoured BeFuddled candidate, Lorna Barmy, who promises to improve the paths and pavements around Dullbridge – even though this doesn’t currently fall under the remit of SaD Town Council.

The Illiberal Candidate, Al Incendiary, is the current All-New-Yet-Unimproved Scrooge Cuonty Councillor for Dullbridge and says he will carry on with his work doing absolutely nothing for the town.

Meanwhile, Working Man’s Party candidate, Kimberley Pierce, wants to see more houses built in and around Dullbridge.

With candidates of this calibre Dullbridge and Smalltown residents can no doubt look forward to another year of SaD Town Councillors making yet more informed, experienced, pertinent and sensible decisions.

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