Another SaD disaster

A huge chorus of “It was bound to happen” swept through Smalltown on Saturday night after the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council funded World’s Most Expensive Christmas Tree became a victim of the mild breeze which struck the area.

The Smalltown Christmas Tree, together with its twin the Dullbridge Christmas Tree, cost SaD TC a whopping £7000.94 and was the first of a three year contract which will eventually see a total spend of £15,000.94.

The Dullbridge Tree has also had problems and has had to be propped back up three times. It has now been secured in what can only be described as a typical SaDTC response, by means of a rope which lashes it to the nearby war memorial statue to Dullbridge hero Fred Folio. Not exactly a mark of respect.

Many residents had previously questioned the wisdom of erecting the Smalltown tree in an area which affords no protection from sea winds and hurricanes, but then SaDTC lack wisdom at the best of times, so it comes as no surprise that warnings were ignored.

What with the vast amount spent on Christmas Lights which don’t switch on and now a collapsed tree, the SaD Town Council-organised Christmas is now becoming a metaphor for the Council and Councillors itself – costs more than it should and not fit for purpose.

Meanwhile, initial reports suggest that the tree is damaged beyond repair and Smalltown residents can now look forward to yet another new tradition as the town plays host to the World’s first Christmas Hedge.

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