Members of the Peoples Front for the Liberation of Fridgpond (PFFTLOP) have recently noticed that Smalltown and Dullbridge exist.
Barry Stalin, current joint leader of the PFFTLOP has realised that the iron heel of Fridgpond Socialism may be able to crush the hopes and dreams of Squire Telfon, Deputy Dictator Sherry and Smalltown’s (Previously) Most Popular Person Councillor Jock ‘Balcony’ McCads at the forthcoming general election.
With the Fridgepond MP Ivan Little-Stranger heading to pastures new and Missing Person Tim Teepee and local Befuddled party candidate Theresa Shunt both legging it to more convivial climes rather than being tarnished by the town council, Generallismo Stalin has realised that there is every chance that the Red Hordes to the south of Smalltown and Dullbridge could well force the two bucolic towns to come under their control.
Describing the country areas as mostly Illiberal and Smalltown vaguely Befuddled (though he fails to notice Dullbridge exists, which follows current political thinking), Stalin adds that the Befuddled Party may attempt to employ “dirty tricks” like suggesting they could win, being unaware that dirty tricks are what the Befuddleds do in Smalltown and Dullbridge anyway.
In a curious move an earlier suggestion that Steve Redperson, previously thought to be the PFFTLOP agent in charge of communist subversion, was spearheading the assault appears to have been incorrect as there will be an actual election to appoint him instead. This is presumably in the hope that their national leader Keith Starer won’t notice he’s about to get a dyed in the wool group devoted to the exiled Jeremy Trotsky taking charge in the West Country and send a nice sensible person parachuted in from London to lose the election instead.
Will Smalltown and Dullbridge welcome new Socialist overlords or respect the current status quo?
Clive awaits further developments with interest.