The recent appointment of the Smalltown Provisional Arts Manager (SPAM1), later revealed to be one of the Top Secret Consultants engaged by the Top Secret Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Human Resources Sub-Committee in conjunction with the White Elephant Enclosure Panel (WEEP) to advise the best way forward for the WEE, has led to a change in the posters advertising forthcoming events at the WEE, which are displayed on the outside of the building.
Last month the posters advertised the Boredom Project’s ‘Hands Up!’ event, which didn’t actually take place at the WEE, together with a poster for the Smalltown Pantomime Group’s 2024 offering.
This week the Boredom Project’s poster has been removed and replaced with one advertising an event in mid-October – despite there being seven other events taking place during September and October, before the event in question.
As direct advertising on the building is surely one of the best ways to promote events within, it seems that this glorious opportunity to attract more bums-on-uncomfortable-seats has been missed. Even more so since this form of advertising would be simple and free.
Whilst promoting an event in mid-October and another in January 2024 with professional posters may look impressive, it would make more sense to display a poster detailing ALL the events taking place in September first – even if it has to be a handwritten list. How else are residents supposed to know what is happening at the WEE?
Both the Blitz Cinema and the Blitz Social Club use the outside of the Blitz building to promote upcoming events to passersby with great success and it is a pity that the WEE doesn’t follow their example, as both Blitz venues have the sort of audience figures that the WEE can only dream of.
Once again the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee and staff have proven that they don’t have a clue.