Councillor Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker finished the first part of his homework project ‘Helping the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Homeless‘ and received pats on the head from his Mum, Dictator Dullard and Deputy Dictator Sherry.
Councillors and audience members at the last Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council Full Council meeting were treated to a presentation from Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker, as he vied to achieve his ‘Helping the Homeless‘ Merit Badge from Dictator Dullard.
Addressing the meeting Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker said “I’ve been working really hard on my project which I started a year ago and I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about it. I think I’ve made a lot of progress.
I’m not sure if Councillors are aware, because it came as a total surprise to me , but there is this thing called a ‘Food Bank‘ in Dullbridge. Residents can go there are get free food. It’s incredible.
In Smalltown there’s a project called ‘The Snaffle Hub’ and residents can go along and learn to cook. Isn’t that amazing? I signed up to their course ‘How to Boil an Egg‘, but sadly I didn’t do very well, and they’ve told me I may need to attend some more sessions before I’m at the stage where I can put the egg into a saucepan.
I’m hoping that SaDTC can support residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge to attend, although I haven’t thought about how SaDTC can achieve this, so I’ll need to think about it some more.
My research has shownn that throughout the UK a small number of rough sleepers have had their tents set on fire, which I think you’ll agree is not very nice at all. I’ve been on the lookout for any tents in Smalltown and Dullbridge, either on fire or not, but I haven’t found any yet. However I would like up see SaDTC provide fire extinguishers to the hundreds of tent dwellers living on the streets of Smalltown and Dullbridge.
There has been an increase in the number of family’s who do not have a roof to
keep their children warm, dry and safe.”
Dictator Dullard thanked Cllr Apprentice-Candlestick Maker for his work saying “I thought that was quite good. Although I’m going to have to deduct points due to the misplaced apostrophe in ‘Family’s’. Other than that I think you’ve done quite well.
Although I’m not entirely sure what you think my Council should be doing about this matter. Never mind, it’s keeping you busy.”
Mrs Apprentice-Candlestick Maker beamed with pride and declared that it had been worth driving her son over from their home in Fridgpond to attend the meeting.