End of Term Report

This week SomersetClive will be publishing Dictator Dullard’s End of Term Reports for the remaining four members of Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council, all of whom are members of the Illiberal Party.

Councillor Julia Slurry
Illiberal Party

I find Councillor Slurry difficult to understand. Her attitude during my Full Council meetings leaves a lot to be desired – she takes a seat beside Squire Teflon and whenever I look in her direction she glares and glowers back at me.

However, she was seconded by Squire Teflon onto my Climate Rescue Action Plan (CRAP) Working Group, apparently because no other Illiberal Party member would volunteer, and I have found her completely silent and in agreement with my every suggestion during our meetings.

I am pleased to see her taking copious notes during these sessions and when I congratulated her on her dedication she replied to tell me that “Squire Teflon likes a good laugh”, which is something that I have noticed myself.

Cllr Slurry has been a member of the Dead and Buried, Planning and Scheming, and White Elephant Enclosure Committees. She has been absent from more WEE meetings than she has attended, almost as if she doesn’t have any interest in it whatsoever and is only there to bolster Squire Teflon.

Her attendance record stands at 76%, having been present at 22 out of a possible 29 meetings.

She has mostly been silent during meetings and has therefore received no coverage in the local media.

Effort: -1/10
Achievements: 0/10
Conclusion: Cllr Slurry tends to be rather sullen most of the time. Fiercely loyal to Squire Teflon she finds being a member of the losing side rather upsetting. I have had to remind her several times that it is the taking part that matters, and not the win.

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