Dullbridge Light turn on TOMORROW

Following a highly successful ‘Make your own Lantern’ day held by the Our Dullbridge* community group, it’s all go for the Dullbridge Christmas Light Switch on in Dullbridge tomorrow.

The Lantern day saw families gather in Dullbridge to make and decorate a Christmas Lantern so that children can take part in a Lantern Parade from Northwell House to Merchant Street.

A spokesperson for Our Dullbridge said “If you weren’t able to attend our Lantern Workshop, you can still take part in the Parade, don’t worry – there’s still time for you to make a lantern at home to bring along.

On the day we will be holding a Shelf Trail, encouraging residents to wander around Dullbridge making note of all the shelves in the shops.

From 2pm there will be a Christmas Craft Fair in the Community Hall in Merchant Street. Father Christmas will be stocking up on buns and cakes in Daiseys Bakers from half past four.”

The fun will build up to the main event at 5pm when the Grand Switch on of the Dullbridge Christmas Light takes place . (That’s if Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Town Council have managed to get it working by then.)

( * Our Dullbridge is a community-led group of individuals and business owners who, incensed by the lack of attention paid to Dullbridge by Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council and Sadgebore District Council, work together to ensure that residents in Dullbridge have something to look forward to.)

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