Traders in Dullbridge are getting ready to mount a coup to overthrow the chairman of the Chamber of Business Benefiting the Local Economy in Dullbridge (COBBLED), after he insisted that the organisation support Sadgebore District Council’s Re-Imagine Dullbridge (RID) bid.
Smalltown’s Most Popular Person and Dullbridge Public Enemy No. 1, Jock McCads, has been Chairman of COBBLED since time immemorial, but many of the group’s members would like to see him join Squire Teflon and become chairless.
A disgruntled trader told SomersetClive “As Chairman of COBBLED he should be seeking to tell Sadgebore of our views regarding the RID bid. We aren’t at all happy with the idea of removing the car parking spaces outside our shops and replacing them with trees.
Shoppers like the convenience of being able to park up immediately outside, pop into a shop, buy what they want and drive off again. They don’t want to hike 9.4 miles from the car park to buy a newspaper.
His other position as a Sadgebore District Councillor saw him actively promote and support this idea and he refused point-blank to listen to our concerns. It’s a clear conflict of interest.
The only reason he is eligible to be Chairman is because he has a shop unit in Dullbridge. However, it has been shut for years and he uses it as a dumping ground to store all the chairs he’s helped take away from Squire Teflon.
Every year we pay our membership fees to be a part of COBBLED, but we haven’t had a proper meeting in over a year and most of us are wondering why we bothered joining.”
SomersetClive understands that the vast majority of Dullbridge Traders are so unhappy with Jock McCads that the only thing that will satisfy them currently is the sight of Cllr. McCads head on a plate, with all the trimmings.