Mayor praises volunteers

Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Headmistress and Town Mayor Kelsey Dullard visited the Porland Community Centre in Dullbridge to see the work carried out by Councillor Robert NotBothered and his team of volunteers who run the Kitchen Cupboard scheme.

The scheme, which is supported with funding from Somerset Cuonty Council and supported by Sadgebore District Council’s Communities Team, aims to help 50 local families by providing members with essential food items, for a subscription fee of £9.40 a week. Current funding levels mean that no more than 50 people can join and the scheme is now full.

It’s lovely to be here.” Mayor Dullard told the volunteers. “You are all doing quite a good job. It’s lovely to see how you take 50 loaves of bread and 50 fish and manage to share it out amongst 50 people. Well done. Now, shall we use some of these tea bags to make a nice cup of tea?”

At the end of the visit Robert NotBothered presented Cllr Dullard with a shiny red apple to thank her for coming.

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