When ‘Inclusive’ means ‘Exclusive’

Members of the Smalltown and Dullbridge LGBTQ+ community have contacted SomersetClive to express their concerns regarding Founder, CEO, Director and Legend in his own Bedroom, Levi Smeller’s Smalltown Pride – a Unique New Concept (SPUNC) (now rebranded as Smalltown Pride on Orwell’s Farm (SPOOF))

Mr Smeller claims he wants to work with the community to bring his inclusive SPOOF to Smalltown and yet he’s rejected all offers of help.” Sandy Furland told us. “I offered to help him bring his SPUNC to fruition and asked him a few questions about his organisation and he blocked me from his AceCrook page! Not only that but he deleted all my questions too.”

Flora Chamberpot told a similar story “I was really keen to help Levi with his work load. I asked him who else was on his committee and he told me there were six ‘mangers’ and a Chaplin involved. I asked if he could give me their names and he declined. I’ve made enquiries in the local area and am yet to find anyone who will admit to working with him. I am now unable to comment on his AceCrook page because I’ve been blocked. “

Fryer Homily Chef added “I asked a few pertinent questions about the proposed event and his costings and also suggested that he hold an open public meeting so that people who were interested in helping could go along and offer their services.

His financial breakdown was very vague, it just seemed to be random numbers plucked out of thin air, although he did say that he needed help with advertising, because none of the committee members have any idea how to promote an event.

He said he’d have to ask the other ‘mangers’ about holding an open meeting but then deleted the entire AceCrook post and blocked me from his page.

Sandy continued “I have expressed my concerns about this so-called ‘Inclusive’ event to the KingsTuppence who are fundraising for SPOOF. By refusing to answer simple questions and blocking members of the LGBTQ+ community from commenting or helping Mr Smeller seems intent on excluding the very people who would make up his audience. This could well turn out to be the first Pride held entirely for the benefit of LGBTQ+ farm animals, since they will probably be the only audience he’s likely to attract to Orwell’s Farm.”

SomersetClive attempted to contact Levi Smeller for comment, but he deleted our questions and blocked us.

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