If you went down to Chateau Gardens on Sunday then you would have found yourself in for a big surprise due to the hundreds of small brown creatures which were spotted gathering in large groups in the grounds.
Several of the creatures were seen playing hide and seek beneath the trees and appeared to be enjoying themselves playing wonderful games.
Smalltown resident, Oliver Reid told SomersetClive “I went into the Gardens, expecting to be able to quaff my 26-pack of White Lightning in peace, so you can imagine my consternation when I was confronted by all these small furry things gaily gadding about, playing and shouting and not having any cares.
At first I thought I was hallucinating because there must have been at least a thousand of them running around unsupervised. It all calmed down a bit mid-afternoon when they stopped to eat a marvellous picnic and then, at six o’clock, their mummies and daddies arrived to take them home to bed.
I do think the Council could have put up some signs on the entrances, warning people that this was going on. I know what I saw and if I’d known they were going to be there I’d have stayed safely at home.”
Sadgebore District Council spokesperson, Blair Stagg, said “We gave permission back in January for a private party to be held in Chateau Gardens on behalf of the Brown Endangered Animals Rescue Society (BEARS).They provided us with details of the event, including a complete Health & Safety document and a full and thorough Risk Assessment, which covered every eventuality and so we didn’t feel that it was necessary to warn the public about the possible dangers of bears having a picnic.”