Lucky escape for Smalltown and Dullbridge residents

Residents of Smalltown and Dullbridge had a lucky escape at the weekend after news emerged that Chris Martedium visited a pub in Somerset on his way home from the Dalstonbury Festival.

Regulars at a pub in the area were horrified when Martedium, front man of popular musical combo Coldday, stopped off for a pint.

It was awful. He spotted the piano in the corner and insisted on knocking out a few dreary tunes. We’d all been having a lovely, happy day up until that point but the minute he started playing that all evaporated away and a sense of doom and gloom descended.” said a regular.

The pub landlord confirmed “Everyone was stunned into silence, and the normal joyful atmosphere evaporated. Several of my regulars abandoned their drinks to get away from the noise.

Next year, after Dalstonbury, I’m going to nail the piano keyboard shut in case he thinks about a return visit and I’d advise all landlords in the area to do the same.”

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