Following the news that several of the new intake of Councillors are struggling with their new role because someone has hidden all the writing implements (making it impossible to take notes) and with the shocking incident involving a late start to a meeting because several councillors couldn’t find their way to The Hayloft Road Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party Ex-Teachers (and Others) SaDTC have taken the unusual step of advising everyone to use the Wort3Wods app to make their journey easier.
Newly-promoted Planning and Scheming Clerk Ellen Surly said “We are always looking for ways to make life easier for councillors and we know that some people have difficulty finding their way to our Hayloft Road premises, as it involves an arduous trek through a housing estate, before being discovered tucked away in the far corner. Therefore we recommend that anyone who needs to find us makes use of the Wort3Wods navigation app. Simply type in the three words associated with the Smalltown Council Chambers and follow the route shown.“
The Wort3Wods address for SaDTC is pencils.intensely.spoil.