Smalltown Area Ship Hovercraft and Helicopter (SMASHH) will be hosting a series of events to celebrate their 94th year of life and limb saving rescue operations in the area.
The first event will be held in June at the Smalltown Playingfield Outside Recreational Therapy (SPORT) grounds and will feature a display of SMASHH equipment old and new.
“We are asking people to contact us with their memories of SMASHH and to turf out their cupboards and garages to find any old uniforms, overalls, photos and memorabilia relating to SMASHH which they may have lying around.
We’ve already managed to put together a fascinating display of used teabags and old biscuit wrappers to highlight our 94 years of work in Smalltown, which we are sure our supporters and members of the public will find fascinating.”
Readers can get in touch with SMASHH at their headquarters – which older readers may remember was built by Vincent Price and volunteers from the local community as part of the ‘Challenge Vincent’ television programme – on the Promenade in Smalltown. Opening hours vary depending on biscuit supplies.