Sadegbore District Council have realised the list of candidates up for election on May 5th for the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council.
In Dullbridge there’s a whole host of candidates to choose from to fill the two available seats with the BeFuddled Party putting forward Dizzy Flares and Robert Candlestickmaker. The Illiberal Party will be pinning their hopes on Jim Woodenman and Alan Incendiary. Whilst Dullbridge Workers voters have a choice of one candidate in the form of Bob Leftcame.
If the main poilical parties don’t appeal then Robert NotBothered is standing on behalf of his own Initforhimself Party and Loopy Nuclear is standing for Who-Knows-What.
Meanwhile in Smalltown Posh it will be a straight fight for the two available seats. Squire Teflon and his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones, of the Illiberal Party will be up against the BeFuddled’s Jock McCads and Peter Sutcliffe.
Squire and Bones have already been out and about terrifying residents as they vie to make their home a double-Cuonty Council income household, whilst BeFuddled Party candidates are expected to hit the area very shortly. Residents are advised to shut all doors and windows and to sit in a darkened room until the danger has passed.