SomersetClive would like to appeal for any of our readers who attended the Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD) Towns Meeting at the White Elephant Enclosure last night to contact us.
We sent our Editor, Mr Clive Saint Sir, to be our eyes and ears and to report back on what took place but unfortunately he was unable to complete the mission.
Mr Clive Saint, Sir said “I had every intention of attending the Towns Meeting, even though I knew I’d have to spend hours sat on an uncomfortable chair trying to stay awake while Dictator Dullard spoke to us all in a patronising way.
I thought I’d be able to sneak into the back row with the other naughty children.
Unfortunately when I entered the WEE I realised I must have got the date wrong as the chairs were arranged in a circle and the first person I saw was Squire Teflon.
At that moment I realised that I was about to inadvertently join a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous.
As you all know the only problem I have with drink is not being able to get my hands on enough, so I turned tail and fled to the nearest pub.”
Anyone who attended the meeting is asked to contact the SomersetClive office and share the gossip. We would rather not receive a copy of Dictator Dullard’s report, as if we see the words “It was good” we may scream.