Members of the Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee have agreed with a suggestion made by the Smalltown Culture and Arts Manager (SCAM), Susie Cookbook, to close the White Elephant Enclosure.
Before SomersetClive readers get over-excited at the prospect of the savings to be made on their Council Tax, we should make it clear that the WEE WILL be closed – but only on Mondays.
SCAM Susie Cookbook said “Staff at the WEE have to spend a lot of time doing nothing and it is becoming more difficult to keep up the pretence that we need three members of staff to run an entertainment venue with no entertainment. Monday is a particular quiet day in the WEE. It’s the start of the week and I think that it would be more beneficial if we could begin the working week by not working.”
Whilst this should see savings in terms of electricity bills, it is unlikely to save money anywhere else. It just means that no one will have to unlock and lock the doors going forward.
It is believed that the SCAM together with the Smalltown Culture and Arts Media Promotions Individual (SCAMPI), May Tricks and the White Elephant Enclosure Person in Eternal Employment (WEEPEE), Crag Badpenny will all now be able to officially put their feet up on a Monday, rather than pretending to look busy.