Smalltown’s super spiritual savant is spending a lot of time foreseeing the future. As the nights draw in and the weather turns colder what can Mystic see ahead?
DEPUTY Dictator Cruella Sherry unleashes her Top Secret Deputy Dictator Enforcers Against Dictators (DDEAD) on their first mission. Targeting a photo opportunity at the White Elephant Enclosure the DDEAD trap Dictator Dullard in a dressing room, leaving Deputy Dictator Sherry to take her place outside the WEE, where a photo is needed to illustrate a press release concerning user numbers increasing from two to three.
TOWARDS the end of the month Smalltown and Dullbridge residents will begin to fiddle with their clocks and watches. Whilst many will remember that they need to turn time back by an hour, several will be utterly confused and will move the hands on their clock forwards.
FOR THE fifth year running Squire Teflon and his close-friend and employer Mistress Bones scoop first prize in the Smalltown and Dullbridge Halloween Most Scariest Costume competition. Squire Teflon announces that he is very surprised as neither of them had entered the competition.