Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Councillors at the SaD Full Council meeting last night unanimously agreed to the massively increased budget proposed by the Finance and Misappropriation Committee.
Illiberal Professional Councillor Mark Facelift, having made the tortuous journey from his home in Fridgpond said “This is an enormous rise and I don’t really like it.”
Dictator Dullard replied “None of us really like it, but what else can we do? Your Illiberal Leader and our Deputy Dictator refuse to do anything about the astronomical White Elephant Enclosure budget, so we are left with no choice but to increase Council Tax for residents. It’s a shame, but I’m sure the residents will think it is good.”
Former Councillor Fencesitter defended the increase, saying “Council Tax payers in Craptown Pallet and Toytown are facing even higher increases and they don’t even have anything that costs as much as a White Elephant Enclosure.”
So tthat’s alright then.
It is estimated that once the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council, the Criminal Police Commissioner, and Somerset Fire Brigade add in their increased budgets residents in Smalltown and Dullbridge can look forward to having around £194 added to their Council Tax bill for 2024/25.