The Year Ahead with Mystic Mick

Smalltown’s very own spirit-botherer, Mystic Mick, is here with another one of his visions for 2024.


IT’S THE start of a new term at Queen Ethelred’s School and Cllr Robb Apprentice-Candlestick Maker has a new pencil case and bus pass. Unfortunately he’s forgotten where his classroom is and is late for his first and second lessons because he’s wandering the corridors trying to find room B5. A bigger boy makes him hand over his lunch money.

PROFESSIONAL Councillor Mark Facelift tells Squire Teflon that he would like to resign from Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council, because he doesn’t want to spend another winter driving from his home in Fridgpond to the Hayloft Road Palace Retirement Home for Bemused and Bewildered BeFuddled Party ex-Teachers (and Others). Squire Teflon refuses to allow the resignation but instead suggests that Cllr Facelift contacts Gazillionaire Eton Rusk to enquire about the possibility of purchasing a robot to take his place. Unfortunately Mr Rusk rejects the request, as the world of robotics has moved on and all the robots currently under development have far more brain power than Cllr Facelift.

DICTATOR Dullard celebrates using the word ‘I’ 94,094 times in a week, but insists “It’s not all about me”.

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