Smalltown and Dullbridge (SaD)
Town Councillors will discuss a new date for the Festival of Bangs and Pops at next week’s Full Council meeting,
The Festival, scheduled as part of the Carnivoo celebrations was cancelled at the last minute by SaDTC, after the search for the person who went missing from the firework launch pad the previous week failed to yield a positive result.
SaD Town Councillors agreed to postpone the Festival to a later date and it has now been revealed that Councillors are set to decide whether to hold the event on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday night at the end of January, to coincide with Dictator Dullard’s birthday, depending on the tide times and weather.
The postponement of the event incurred costs of £5,394 to the Town Council, however the firework supplier has agreed to carry forward the deposit already paid. Unfortunately further costs including PA hire, first aid provision, road signs, vehicle hire and fuel and insurance means that the additional cost of holding the event in January will be £7,194.
This would bring the total amount for the festival to a staggering £12,594.
The Carnivoo events week budget has £2,691.94 of unspent funds, but this will leave a shortfall of £4420.94 left which will need to be taken from a budget somewhere else.
With the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Council seeking additional funding via the SaDTC portion of Council Tax, during a time when residents are struggling with the cost of living crisis, is it right that yet more of our money is allocated to go up in flames?
It surely would be better to write-off the £5,358 already spent, rather than waste almost the same amount again on one night of entertainment.
SaD Town Councillors need to remember that not every resident is in receipt of an ex-teacher pension and the vast majority would rather see savings than further vastly over-expensive frivioulus spending.