Dullbridge drowns

After flood waters of biblical proportiond hit Smalltown and Dullbridge this week it has emerged that rumours that Dullbridge has been washed away proved to be unfounded.

SomersetClive sent our Dullbridge correspondent Nigella Garage out into the rain to check the streets of Dullbridge and she has filed the following report.

It’s very wet out here and I’ve had to don my mackintosh and galoshes to fulfill our Editor, Mr Clive Saint Sir’s wishes. I don’t expect for one minute that Media Magnate Mike Maxman insists on sending his staff out into the rain to bring the latest news to his award-winning news site.

Anyway, the streets of Dullbridge are still here. It’s true – parts of the town are submerged, but that’s what happens when you allow a massive amount of building work on the green land which previously served as flood plains.

Dullbridge residents are resilient though, and they’ve been telling me that they suspect this is the work of either Smalltown and Dullbridge Town or the All-New-Yet-Unimproved Somerset Cuonty Councils, as both councils continue to try to eradicate Dullbridge so that they have a legitimate reason to ignore it.

Several residents have asked why they haven’t been issued with sandbags, as happens in Smalltown when there is the merest hint of a high tide, and have instead had to resort to bailing the town out with buckets.

Hopefully the newly-submerged Dullbridge will emerge from the flood waters soon, otherwise I’m going to have to ask for a pair of waders rather than wellingtons.

More rain is forecast for today and Dullbridge residents have been advised to get more buckets.

SomersetClive Editor, Mr Clive Saint Sir told us “If Nigella hadn’t mentioned a certain award winning website then I may have considered her request for waders. But she’s blown that now.”

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