Tonight’s Smalltown and Dullbridge Town Council White Elephant Enclosure Mismanagement Committee meeting should have seen the contentious subject of the WEE budget on the agenda, however, amongst the items up for discussion the all-important budget is missing.
It is believed that Mismanagement Chair, Deputy Dictator Cllr Cruella Sherry has been working with the Smalltown Head of Malfeasance (SHAM), Sal Crookes, and the Smalltown Permanent Arts Manager (SPAM), Susie Cookbook, to agree the budget for 2023/24, but the trio have agreed that it will remain Top Secret until the week before Christmas, when the figures can be hidden amongst Festivus news stories.
Also missing from the agenda is the promised WEE Business Plan, which readers of SomersetClive will remember was first promised over 10 years ago when Squire Teflon saved the WEE for the Nation by paying a pound from his own pocket.
The last time the Business Plan was mentioned In-It-For-Himself party member Councillor Robert NotBothered said “I don’t understand why we haven’t got one. A business plan isn’t that difficult to write. I could go home now and write one on the back of a cigarette packet and bring it along to the next meeting” That pledge was made almost a year ago and a business plan still hasn’t made an appearance.
In December SomersetClive will be running a sweepstake for readers, full entry details will follow, but in the meantime readers can take a stab at guessing how large a share of our Council Tax the WEE budget will require.