Award winning cake maker, Busica Filberts, owner of Smalltown’s Busibakes, has managed to scoop another award as she continues her quest for world cake baking domination.
This time Busica, working together with two fellow cake making bakers, won the Gold Medal at the Big Making Caking Cake Baking Bake Intergalactic Show in Brumingham and their entry was also declared ‘Cake The Judge Would Most Like ato Take Home’.
The trio of cake making bakers produced a unique, eye-catching and udderly brilliant cake of a giant cow featuring incredible details.
Their entry, called Heifer Flump, saw the team receive a pat on the back by the judges, with one saying “I cudn’t have done better myself”.
Busica said “We are literally over the moon with this award!”
Any Smalltown and Dullbridge residents popping into Busibakes over the next few months will find that the only cake on offer will be Milk Chocolate flavoured.